THE METEORIC RISE OF A SOFT-SPOKEN agronomist of Japanese ancestry to the presidency of Peru, followed by his spectacular descent into dictatorship and corruption, coupled with the revelation of secret videotapes that his spy chief used to blackmail and manipulate much of his country’s elite, is the stuff of melodrama. However, the real-life revelations and the subsequent resignation of President Alberto Fujimori actually managed to change the course of televised melodrama in 21st-century Peru. The fall of the regime in 2000 spawned a severe crisis in the television industry, because many of the old owners and managers literally had sold their editorial support to the political group in power. Several network owners were brought to trial and either served prison sentences or fled the country. This meant a turnover in the management of the television stations. However, this situation also offered opportunities for new fiction production companies and a subsequent blooming of new themes, actors and concerns in television.
CASSANO, Giuliana (autor)
Año: 2017
Título de la revista: Revista Harvard Review of Latin America.
Ciudad: Cambridge, Estados Unidos.
Volumen: Volume XVII
Número: No. 1
Página inicial – Página final: Pp. 13-15.
ISSN: 1541—1443